Tap Classes
We teach the Comdance Tap syllabus and our tap dance lessons are for all ages, as well as providing the opportunity for students to sit their tapping examinations.
Tap lessons are always a fun and popular class at SCPAC with experienced teachers running an enriched programme.
Once students reach 11 years of age, they may also be given the opportunity to participate and perform with the Tap Performance Team. Each year the team will compete at multiple dance eisteddfods with up to two routines they perform throughout the year.

Sunshine Coast
Tap Classes
Ages 2 to 4
Introduction to Dance
Our introduction to dance classes aim to give pre-schoolers an all round exposure to the core dance disciplines, including Tap.
Students are encouraged to carry out some simple steps and we aim to give them confidence to dance in front of others, and nurture their desire to learn.
Ages 5 to 6
Primary Tap
Primary Tap sees our students move to a dedicated Tap class, where they are exposed to some of the foundations of the style.
Steps they will have learned in their introduction classes will be built upon and their confidence further nurtured.
Age 7
Grade 1 Tap
Grade 1 tap aims to teach our students foundational steps and skills such as balancing, straight hits, shuffles, simple change steps, hit springs and slaps in multiple directions.
These skills are taught in slow movements are in a repeated fashion to ensure the concepts start to embed in our students minds.
Students are supported in developing their spotting skills, with turning exercises that will set some good groundwork ready for the next grade.
Grade 1 Tap students also start learning how to count with the music. This counting combination sees them counting aloud while tapping.
Age 8
Grade 2 Tap
Students in grade 2 tap take a step-up in their learning, where teachers now begin to make all the foundational steps a lot quicker.
There is not necessarily a large number of new steps, however everything is quicker and a more complex technically, as seen by incorporating more steps in each exercise and making them longer.
Turning exercises from the previous grade, will be transitioned to the corner and incorporate more steps seeing students travelling across the room.
Age 9
Grade 3 Tap
Grade 3 Tap students continue to build upon their evolving technique and introduces concepts and steps such as slap up changes, grab offs and now the introduction of a wing preparation exercise.
Students at this level learn longer exercises and combinations, and class time dance routines are also longer in nature.
Age 10
Grade 4 Tap
Students who have reached and attained grade 4, begin to learn and introduce different directions in all exercises.
At this level students are expected to undertake more intricate timing with the steps which they started learning in grade 3 now being executed cleanly, repeated and sped up.
Counting exercises are replaced with a Time Step which is 4/4 time. The students continue to count aloud while tapping but now to a 4/4 rhythm.
Age 11
Grade 5 Tap
Grade 5 students are exposed to theory which at this age is incorporated into the exams. The students are taught to be confident in their understanding of all Tap style words, meanings and how they are performed.
Students at this level are taught two tap dances which are of different styles, straight tap and speed tap.
The Grade 5 exam will see students have longer exercises that incorporate all the steps learnt in previous years and they will be coached on single wing changes at the barre and a wing exercise in the centre.
Age 12+
Grade 6 Tap
Tap students learning at Grade 6 are coached in their skills attained in previous years, as well as ongoing training to add more speed to those skills.
Students will be encouraged to introduce some improvisation and self-learning to their style by trying and experimenting with certain steps to combine and create new sequences.
This feeds in to the world of allowing students the freedom to explore their own choreography abilities. In addition to gaining confidence from this, it also helps students with timing as they have to consider matching of their tapping to the beats of the chosen music.
Students will also continue to develop these skills well into their Seniors Tap Exams - Grade 7, 8 & 9. From here, students are eligible to work towards the Teachers Tap Certification & Diploma.