Enrol Now and Contact Us

Enrolments and Free Trials

Our self-enrolment and free trial scheduling process is easy and straightforward for new families and dancers, and can be accessed via our Enrolment Portal accessible using the button here.

New families can access the Portal for scheduling Trial classes, as well as accessing other important information like our Studio Prospectus and Fee Structure.

Existing families can also access the Portal for class enrolment changes, as well as paying fees, booking Private Lessons and much more.

Class Timetables

General Enquries

Is this your first time here... We encourage you to use the link and process above for arranging a free class trial and making your enrolments.

If you do have a general enquiry not related to enrolments then please reach out to us via the contact form here, or alternatively telephone us.

If you prefer then you can also pop in to the Caloundra studio to see us in person or have a look around.